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How Can Rehydration Benefit Your Spinal Cartilage and Overall Health?

Rehydration represents a conscious effort at replacing water or fluid lost in the body. It is very important given that our bodies are mostly made up of water. This means drop in levels can lead to serious problems.

Dehydration or insufficient amount of water in the body is a major factor in the occurrence of cartilage damage and joint pain. It contributes greatly to back pain, which may signal progressive disc degeneration.

We discuss in this piece how rehydration is beneficial to your cartilage, eyes, and overall health. You will also find some suggestions on the best ways to rehydrate.

Dehydration, Cartilage Damage and Joint Pain

Millions of people suffer from one form of pain or another in an average year in the United States. As a result, an increasing number of people have to depend on pain relievers to get through the day. And hundreds of thousands undergo disc surgery annually in the country.

Most cases have to do with issues revolving around the health of cartilage, an elastic protective tissue found in joints. Under normal condition, this helps to keep bones from coming together and brushing again each other.

In the human spinal column, you will find cartilage discs between vertebrae (pieces of bones). They serve as shock absorbers of sort against the pressure that you put on your spine in the course of your regular daily activities.

Water is an important constituent of these protective discs - accounting for up to 85 percent. The amount of this reduces in the absence of proper hydration. As a result, the flexibility and resilience of cartilage can suffer.

Dehydration can cause the connective tissue to weaken and even flatten or rupture. Your cartilage can gradually slip out of place or bulge out. This is descriptive of the disorder known as the degenerative disc disease and of how back pain occurs in many people.

It is similar process that takes place in most other cases of joint pain.

There are three types of cartilage in the body, namely: elastic cartilage, hyaline cartilage, and fibrocartilage. Of these, hyaline is the most common. This is called articular cartilage when found in joints.

What's more troubling with cartilage damage resulting from dehydration is that self-repair becomes extremely difficult.

Cartilages in joints do not have blood vessels. This makes them solely dependent on spinal fluid for nutrients and oxygen. Of course, this means they won't get these when water levels are too low.

Cartilage suffers even more from dehydration. When there is insufficient amount, water is directed to organs that are needed to stay alive and active. Sadly, your body doesn't see cartilage as being critical for survival and this leads to water being pulled away from it.

As you can see, proper hydration is very important for protecting cartilage and preventing joint pain.

Other Benefits of Rehydration

There are numerous other ways you can benefit from adequate water intake. They include:

Protection of eyes

Considering they are mostly made up of water, your eyes can suffer from dehydration. This can lead to poor lubrication and can cause dry eye, which describes insufficient tear production.

By rehydrating, you improve the ability of your body to produce tears. This can help in wiping away potentially harmful substances away from the surface of the eye. Proper hydration can also fight eye strain by getting rid of salt and providing lubrication.

This benefit offers a good reason for older persons to ensure proper hydration, given this group is at increased risk of eye issues.

Elimination of harmful substances

It is common knowledge that your body needs water to get rid of wastes and toxins. Without it, you are going to have a difficult time passing fecal matter out of your body. Harmful toxins and salt will also become concentrated in your body when you do not take enough.

Rehydration can enable you get rid of wastes and toxins more easily. But it is not just about elimination though; this can also help to improve absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract.

Enhancement of Performance and Faster Recovery

Rehydration can also benefit you in terms of performance, both physical and mental. Fluid is crucial to many processes in the body. So, by ensuring adequate levels, you should expect these to function efficiently.

The brain is one of the organs that require adequate supply of water to perform effectively. Dehydration is known to affect cognitive performance. Conscious efforts aimed at proper hydration will certainly be helpful then.

Water is an important part of the body's healing process. It aids faster recovery following workouts, which is why you often see athletes taking some after some exertion.

Among other benefits, rehydration can help you get a younger looking skin. You will also find it useful in dealing with hangovers.

Rehydration Particularly Important for the Elderly

Yes, proper hydration is vital for everyone. But older people arguably need to make more effort to rehydrate adequately. The reason for this is that they are typically at greater risk of hydration.

Besides, rehydration may play key role in dealing with some issues that come with aging.

Dehydration is a major cause of hospitalization among older people in America, featuring among the top 10 diagnoses. Research suggests that it is a common cause of emergency hospitalization in this group. It is also linked to higher mortality rates among the elderly that are hospitalized.

The hospital visits are estimated to account for more than $1 billion in total costs in a year.

But why are seniors at greater risk of dehydration?

It is well known that people experience certain physiological and mental changes as they get older. Among those is diminishing sense of thirst. An elderly person might have already become seriously dehydrated before they feel the need for drinking some water.

The medical conditions commonly associated with the elderly contribute to lower fluid level in the body. An example is diabetes. This can cause frequent urination, which may force the patient to also reduce water intake.

Drugs that some elderly people have to take can also put them at a greater risk of dehydration. Among such are diuretics, laxatives, and antihistamines.

Furthermore, the ability of the body to conserve water drops as part of the aging process.

Among the elderly, dehydration commonly leads to issues such as constipation and falling. It can produce symptoms similar to those of dementia, including confusion, forgetfulness, or impaired cognition.

Other possible symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy
  • Rapid breathing
  • Faster heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle cramps or weakness
  • Sunken eyes
  • Weak pulse
  • Low blood pressure

Ways to Rehydrate Your Spinal Cartilage Discs and Entire Body

Obviously, the best option you have for rehydrating your body is to increase your water intake. You need to take conscious steps to ensure adequate hydration of your body.

It is common to see suggestions to take about eight glasses of water daily. But that may not be enough to solve everybody's dehydration issues since it doesn't take certain determinant factors into consideration.

For instance, someone who spends a lot of time in the sun will need more water than another who doesn't.

A tip for determining the right amount of water to take daily is to divide your body weight by 2. This means if you weigh 200 pounds, for example, you should aim to drink at least ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily.

However, water will likely not suffice for proper rehydration. Below are some other means by which you can achieve better results.

Himalayan salt

With dehydration, you are not just losing water, but also electrolytes, especially sodium. It is therefore important to find ways to replenish the stock of these as well. Himalayan salt can help in this regard.

This pinky salt is generating so much noise these days, with many people harping on its diverse health benefits. It offers you the same sodium chloride you get in table salt. But it goes even further by delivering several dozens of minerals that promote good health.

Oral rehydration salts (ORS)

As the name suggests, ORS is specifically targeted toward promoting better rehydration. The salts offer you electrolytes, minerals, and glucose, making them perfect for restoring proper hydration levels.

Oral rehydration salts come as tablets that you dissolve in water and drink at intervals.

Six teaspoons of sugar or one teaspoon of salt mixed with a liter of water is a decent alternative, according to the World Health Organization. The problem with this, though, is that people may not get it right every time.

Coconut water

This offers a very refreshing way of rehydrating. Coconut water is great for getting natural, pure water that is filled with nutrients and electrolytes, including potassium. It will especially appeal to people who seem to have difficulty drinking bland water.

Coconut water is also promoted for diverse health benefits. You can easily get it on the market. But you should watch what you buy since some companies include additives and sugar.

Foods rich in electrolytes and water

What you have in your diet has a role to play in your level of hydration. You can get significant help by eating more of foods that contain considerable amounts of water and/or electrolytes.

When talking about water-rich foods, fruits and vegetables easily come to mind. Watermelon, lettuce, cucumber, grapefruit, tomato, apple, and orange are some of the things you should think of consuming more of to improve hydration.


Some drugs can actually contribute to dehydration. Isn't it interesting then to learn that some other can also help with rehydration?

You may wonder how that can be. Medications actually help in an indirect way.

Some level of activity is essential to ensure that water gets to the cartilage in your spine. Movement and exercise help to transport water into the discs. But this may be difficult for someone experiencing back pain.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain relievers will be useful in keeping pain under control. This makes movement and stretching exercises easier to do, thus promoting cartilage rehydration.

Quality sleep

Sometimes, symptoms such as back pain or joint pain are signs that your body needs rest. You can almost always get relief from this by getting enough rest.

Good sleep may promote rehydration of cartilage. It relieves the stress on your back muscles and spine. This enables the vertebral discs to absorb water and be better hydrated.


Treatments that are aimed at preventing degenerative disc diseases will usually help in promoting cartilage dehydration. Among the ones that may prove useful are spinal decompression therapy and complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies.

Chiropractic care can also help people with pain and stiffness issues. The manipulation and alignment of spinal joints that are involved may contribute to enhance cartilage rehydration.

Good posture

It is important to note that your carriage or body posture can promote hydration or dehydration. If you get this wrong, you put too much pressure on your spine. This can dehydrate your intervertebral discs and even displace them.

It will be to your benefit to always maintain a body posture that doesn't place too much stress on your back. You should stand straight, with your abdominal muscles slightly contracted. And when sitting, do so with your back straight and against the backrest.


Dehydration can cause damage to cartilage in joints and spinal column. It can also do harm to your eyes, skin, and several other parts of your body.

This is why rehydration is something that deserves special attention, especially among the older folks. It helps to refresh and rejuvenate your body. Some even think that it could possibly slow a person's aging clock.

Therefore, it will be to your benefit to drink enough water daily and eat fluid-rich foods. Your cartilage will benefit as well from a good night's sleep every time in terms of rehydration. Sports drinks can also be helpful.

To ensure proper hydration always, it also helps to avoid or reduce your alcohol and caffeine (including coffee) intake. These are known to cause dehydration! Many soft drinks are also culprits for this, so you need to watch them as well.



How to Rehydrate Spinal Discs (with Pictures) - wikiHow (

Proper Hydration Helps Prevent Joint Pain & Cartilage Damage (

How Do You Rehydrate a Degenerative Disc without Surgery (

Dehydrated? How Not Drinking Enough Water Impacts Your Eyes (

How to Prevent Dehydration - (

Hydration and the elderly | Hydration for Health (

The Importance of Staying Hydrated for Seniors and Elders Comfort Keepers (

3 Brilliant Ways to Rehydrate Quickly! | Elemental Life (

Best Hydration Methods To Use When Dehydrated (

7 Benefits of Hydration Therapy You Didn't Know About (

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